Crazy Old Cat Lady

I went to the URL for CatLady to see who got my preferred URL name and it's just one useless entry and then I checked out my next preferred URL name of CrazyCatLady (son#1 calls me "Crazy Lady" and the rest of the world calls me "Cat Lady" so I thought a URL was born) and she's a great writer, but I can't find any way to add a comment telling her so. So my URL ended up being CrazyOldCatLady. My web page is

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Flowers from Peter, who lives in Virginia.
Card from Chris, who lives in Fullerton.
(This card tells more than people need to know.)
Left-click an image to enlarge it.
Click on the back-arrow up in left-hand corner of
the screen to return to the post.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

MAY DAY 2010

I can't help it- I just love May Day because it's about this time in South Dakota (where I lived until I was 10) that Spring is in full bloom. I loved the lilac bushes.
Here are some May Day posts from prior years: