Crazy Old Cat Lady

I went to the URL for CatLady to see who got my preferred URL name and it's just one useless entry and then I checked out my next preferred URL name of CrazyCatLady (son#1 calls me "Crazy Lady" and the rest of the world calls me "Cat Lady" so I thought a URL was born) and she's a great writer, but I can't find any way to add a comment telling her so. So my URL ended up being CrazyOldCatLady. My web page is

Friday, May 01, 2009


Remember the first May Day post that I wrote in 2005? There were some neat comments that came in on that one. Click on the following hot link to see it again.

In 2006, I griped about the illegal aliens usurping "my" May Day, which resulted in an interesting comment from someone in Denver. Click on the hot link to see that one: