Sumkui was killed by a coyote early yesterday morning (on 8/8/08). It was my fault because I didn't check on him and bring him into the house at midnight as I usually did. My neighbor found him by his mailbox very early and cleaned up the pieces or I would have seen him when I went to an 8:30 dental appointment. My neighbor's daughter saw him sleeping under my car when she came home about 2 AM so the coyote grabbed him from under the car and carried him only a few feet to eat him. Usually you hear the scream when the coyote breaks the cat's neck to paralyze it, but none of us heard any noise so, hopefully, Sumkui was killed whan he was first grabbed and was dead before he knew it. My neighbor's dog jumped in my neighbor's bed around 4 AM and was told to get back in her bed where she covered her head with her blanket so we think that she must have heard some sound or sensed something.