Yesterday it snowed again in Southern California- in Malibu this time.
In 1948, when I was in 8th grade at Wilshire Junior High School, it snowed in Fullerton. We were out in the schoolyard making snowballs so there was quite a bit of it.
I had just returned to Fullerton from an over-long summer vacation in my old home town in Watertown, South Dakota, so I was teased about bringing the cold weather back with me.
In 1948, when I was in 8th grade at Wilshire Junior High School, it snowed in Fullerton. We were out in the schoolyard making snowballs so there was quite a bit of it.
I had just returned to Fullerton from an over-long summer vacation in my old home town in Watertown, South Dakota, so I was teased about bringing the cold weather back with me.