Here is the new baby at our house- Sugar Dali (named after Salvador Dali because she looks as if she were painted by him as her Siamese markings are all mixed up and then "Sugar" was added as she kept running around to everyone, giving them sweet greetings every time she saw someone). I bought her at the dog pound on Columbus Day, Oct 12. She had a brother who looked just like Sumkui and a brother who had perfect Siamese markings, but I wanted a distinct individual who could be loved only for herself. She is a real character and keeps us hopping. (As evidenced by my sweaty brow from chasing her down to get this picture.) The big cats wouldn't even come into the house for the first month after they saw what I had brought home and looked at me as if trying to decide if I had lost my mind, which of course I had when Sumkui got killed by a coyote.
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