Crazy Old Cat Lady

I went to the URL for CatLady to see who got my preferred URL name and it's just one useless entry and then I checked out my next preferred URL name of CrazyCatLady (son#1 calls me "Crazy Lady" and the rest of the world calls me "Cat Lady" so I thought a URL was born) and she's a great writer, but I can't find any way to add a comment telling her so. So my URL ended up being CrazyOldCatLady. My web page is

Sunday, April 24, 2011


(Click on any picture to enlarge. Click on back arrow on that page to return to post.)
Grandma and Grandpa Van Horn, Sarah and Rebecca 9 years old

Connie, Chris, Sarah, Rebecca
(In the picture below, notice my Christmas tree behind me that has been dragged into the living room for several years now. A prior tree got too big and is planted in the back yard now.)

It's not all fun and games. See below when Daddy has hidden an egg so well that none of us ever found it (thank Goodness that it is a plastic egg that contains coins and is not a real hard-boiled egg that is going to be found later because of its smell).
Anita Mills Johnson wrote me she thought our yard was perfect for an Easter egg hunt. I guess I didn't make it clear that the hunt was confined to only part of the front yard. Otherwise we might still be looking for both grandchildren instead of for one plastic egg!


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