Crazy Old Cat Lady

I went to the URL for CatLady to see who got my preferred URL name and it's just one useless entry and then I checked out my next preferred URL name of CrazyCatLady (son#1 calls me "Crazy Lady" and the rest of the world calls me "Cat Lady" so I thought a URL was born) and she's a great writer, but I can't find any way to add a comment telling her so. So my URL ended up being CrazyOldCatLady. My web page is

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



My husband named him Opie because opossum starts with the letters "OP". We have been baby-sitting him for a month now. I don't want to release him until he can eat softened dry cat food so that I can put some out for him (because I don't think that the other animals will eat that and I know that they will gobble up any turkey or ham that I put outside). Yesterday when I had him outside of the bathroom window where I have constructed a play area for him, he ate half of a softened piece of cat food that I had put in his play area so he is finally getting the idea that it is food (although not food that is as tasty as his favorite dish- ham). I am hoping that if he eats the softened food that he will eventually be able to eat the regular cat food that the other big 'possums eat.


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